How to Play Guitar Songs For Beginners - Acoustic Vs Electric Guitar - Which is the Better Choice?
      So you've decided to learn to play guitar songs. Congratulations. Welcome to the world of guitar playing. Here comes the difficult part. What type of guitar should you start with? Well, it all depends on the genre of music you intend to play and what skill level you're at and want to be at when you're done learning.
      First, learn the differences between electric and acoustic guitars. The biggest difference is that the electric guitar needs to be attached to an amplifier in order to be heard clearly and loudly. On the other hand, acoustic guitars are heard loudly enough without using an amplifier. Acoustic guitars produce their own sound because they have sound holes, but electric guitars do not have a sound hole. Because of the lack of a sound hole, electric guitars can be heard by the person playing the guitar but not by others further away.
      There are certain electric guitars which contain little sound holes, which make it possible to play them with or without the amplifier at an audible sound level, which are called semi-hollow body guitars.
      Next, we shall discuss the determinants of which guitar to choose. Depending on the music you like, you might want to choose one over the other. Choosing the wrong guitar for the kind of music you wish to play could lead to frustration and an urge to just give up on it.
      So for example, if you enjoy listening to harder rock, like metal, alternative, modern, scream, then investing in a regular electric guitar with an amplifier would be a good decision. On the other hand, if you like rock music which can be either played acoustically and electrically, or if the songs you listen to take advantage of both acoustic and electric guitar tricks, then you would be better off getting a semi-hollow body guitar. Then again, if you're more into country, then you would be much happier with an acoustic guitar.
      The next logical question to ask yourself would be, what type of music would I like to play? Well, as before, it depends on what you want to play, for example, if you're a hardcore rock fan, but you've always wanted to learn to play mellower, relaxing acoustic songs, then get an acoustic guitar. Although, if you're a huge fan of lighter rock music or country, but you've always wanted to play hardcore rock and metal songs, the investing in an electric guitar or a semi-hollow body guitar would be the best choice you could make.
      Next, how high of a skill level are you trying to attain when it comes to playing guitar songs. If you wish to play the guitar leisurely and don't really care if you don't master the guitar, then you should get an electric guitar. If you are really serious about becoming a guitar pro, then start with an acoustic because it is a more accurate way of learning how to play guitar for beginners. The transition from an acoustic to an electric guitar is easy based on the fact that electric guitars have thinner strings than acoustic guitars which makes is slightly easier to hold down.
      Lastly, the guitar program you choose will also have a big impact on which guitar you should get. Some guitar programs teach based on the electric guitar lessons and some teach based on the acoustic guitar lessons. Most "how to learn to play guitar for beginners" programs show you how to use both but you don't want to get stuck with the wrong program.
      Check out my squidoo page to find out what is the best guitar program. The one I recommend seems to be the best and most convenient "how to learn to play guitar for beginners" program I have seen so far.
If you want more information just check out my squidoo page: